Dominion Energy - Unit 6 Valve Replacement

Customer: Dominion Energy

Owner: Dominion Energy

Year Completed: 2014

Market: Industrial

Sector: Power Generation

Contract Amount: $500K


Atlantic Constructors was awarded this replacement project of six circulating water valves and associated expansion joints at the the Chesterfield Power Station in Fall of 2014. Keeping on schedule was critical and extensive preconstruction planning was required to successfully remove and replace four 66″ diameter isolation valves with new valves, actuator, and expansion joint weighing 12,000 LB. Each along with the four 84″ diameter isolation valves with new valves, actuator, and expansion joints weighing 19,000 LB each.

The location of the six valves were positioned over confined spaces requiring specialized access and other precautions. Even though obstructions were removed and replaced, head height was limited to less than the valve diameter on several locations and rigging from the existing structure was prohibited. Our preconstruction plan was practical and proved instrumental in delivering this project on time.